Download pysynphot in a docker file

9 Jul 2018 except to download the part of the data required for an individual job from S3 into users who want to augment their Docker files or specify instance types. The pysynphot functionality for regridding spectra would be useful 

dh_python2 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc. gain by calling as-uril is catching if upstream breaks the appdata.xml file in a future release. python-docker-py - An API client for docker written in Python python-nectar - A download library that separates workflow from  130 130 src:base-files 26110 26267 252422248 253268407 src:base-installer 1 1 1 18 12 6417 src:docker-pycreds 1 1 12 12 src:docker-registry 1 23 71 6562 1 1 21 21 src:libtime-moment-perl 1 1 8 8 src:libtime-olsontz-download-perl 1 5226 src:pysynphot 1 1 137 137 src:pytables 31 33 34825 34994 src:pytaglib 

9 Jul 2018 except to download the part of the data required for an individual job from S3 into users who want to augment their Docker files or specify instance types. The pysynphot functionality for regridding spectra would be useful 

dh_python2 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc. gain by calling as-uril is catching if upstream breaks the appdata.xml file in a future release. python-docker-py - An API client for docker written in Python python-nectar - A download library that separates workflow from  dependency information from a project's configuration files, pllim/pysynphot fb55/htmlparser2 dotcloud/docker-registry jquery/ universe/misc apt-dpkg-ref universe/doc apt-file universe/admin apt-forktracer universe/admin biomaj3-daemon universe/misc biomaj3-download universe/misc universe/text docdiff universe/text dochelp universe/misc docker universe/x11 pysvn universe/python pysycache universe/games pysynphot universe/misc  android-file-transfer android-framework-res android-libaapt android-libadb cockpit-doc cockpit-docker cockpit-machines cockpit-networkmanager cockpit-packagekit libtime-mock-perl libtime-moment-perl libtime-olsontz-download-perl python3-pystache python3-pystemd python3-pysword python3-pysynphot  apt-dpkg-ref^5.3.1+nmu2 apt-file^3.1.4 apt-forktracer^0.5 aptfs^2:0.10-1 dochelp^0.1.5 docker^1.5-1 docker-compose^1.8.0-2 dockerpty^0.4.1-1 pysvn^1.9.4-2 pysycache^3.1-3.2 pysynphot^ pytables^3.3.0-5 

The docker build command builds an image from a Dockerfile and a context. a trailing slash, then a file is downloaded from the URL and copied to .

dh_python2 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc. gain by calling as-uril is catching if upstream breaks the appdata.xml file in a future release. python-docker-py - An API client for docker written in Python python-nectar - A download library that separates workflow from  dependency information from a project's configuration files, pllim/pysynphot fb55/htmlparser2 dotcloud/docker-registry jquery/ universe/misc apt-dpkg-ref universe/doc apt-file universe/admin apt-forktracer universe/admin biomaj3-daemon universe/misc biomaj3-download universe/misc universe/text docdiff universe/text dochelp universe/misc docker universe/x11 pysvn universe/python pysycache universe/games pysynphot universe/misc  android-file-transfer android-framework-res android-libaapt android-libadb cockpit-doc cockpit-docker cockpit-machines cockpit-networkmanager cockpit-packagekit libtime-mock-perl libtime-moment-perl libtime-olsontz-download-perl python3-pystache python3-pystemd python3-pysword python3-pysynphot  apt-dpkg-ref^5.3.1+nmu2 apt-file^3.1.4 apt-forktracer^0.5 aptfs^2:0.10-1 dochelp^0.1.5 docker^1.5-1 docker-compose^1.8.0-2 dockerpty^0.4.1-1 pysvn^1.9.4-2 pysycache^3.1-3.2 pysynphot^ pytables^3.3.0-5  cds-download-c3s512 · cds-sorenson yandex-images-download avocado-framework-plugin-runner-docker odoo10-addon-base-directory-file-download androguard. Buster:(3.3.3-1) Stretch:(2.0-3) full Python tool to play with Android files www maptransfer. Buster & Stretch:(0.3-2) upload/download maps to/from a VALVe game server (Client) www Buster:(3.4.1-4) Stretch:(1.9.0-1) Python wrapper to access's control socket www python3-pysynphot.

android-file-transfer android-framework-res android-libaapt android-libadb cockpit-doc cockpit-docker cockpit-machines cockpit-networkmanager cockpit-packagekit libtime-mock-perl libtime-moment-perl libtime-olsontz-download-perl python3-pystache python3-pystemd python3-pysword python3-pysynphot 

dh_python2 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc. gain by calling as-uril is catching if upstream breaks the appdata.xml file in a future release. python-docker-py - An API client for docker written in Python python-nectar - A download library that separates workflow from  dependency information from a project's configuration files, pllim/pysynphot fb55/htmlparser2 dotcloud/docker-registry jquery/ universe/misc apt-dpkg-ref universe/doc apt-file universe/admin apt-forktracer universe/admin biomaj3-daemon universe/misc biomaj3-download universe/misc universe/text docdiff universe/text dochelp universe/misc docker universe/x11 pysvn universe/python pysycache universe/games pysynphot universe/misc  android-file-transfer android-framework-res android-libaapt android-libadb cockpit-doc cockpit-docker cockpit-machines cockpit-networkmanager cockpit-packagekit libtime-mock-perl libtime-moment-perl libtime-olsontz-download-perl python3-pystache python3-pystemd python3-pysword python3-pysynphot  apt-dpkg-ref^5.3.1+nmu2 apt-file^3.1.4 apt-forktracer^0.5 aptfs^2:0.10-1 dochelp^0.1.5 docker^1.5-1 docker-compose^1.8.0-2 dockerpty^0.4.1-1 pysvn^1.9.4-2 pysycache^3.1-3.2 pysynphot^ pytables^3.3.0-5  cds-download-c3s512 · cds-sorenson yandex-images-download avocado-framework-plugin-runner-docker odoo10-addon-base-directory-file-download androguard. Buster:(3.3.3-1) Stretch:(2.0-3) full Python tool to play with Android files www maptransfer. Buster & Stretch:(0.3-2) upload/download maps to/from a VALVe game server (Client) www Buster:(3.4.1-4) Stretch:(1.9.0-1) Python wrapper to access's control socket www python3-pysynphot.

dependency information from a project's configuration files, pllim/pysynphot fb55/htmlparser2 dotcloud/docker-registry jquery/ universe/misc apt-dpkg-ref universe/doc apt-file universe/admin apt-forktracer universe/admin biomaj3-daemon universe/misc biomaj3-download universe/misc universe/text docdiff universe/text dochelp universe/misc docker universe/x11 pysvn universe/python pysycache universe/games pysynphot universe/misc  android-file-transfer android-framework-res android-libaapt android-libadb cockpit-doc cockpit-docker cockpit-machines cockpit-networkmanager cockpit-packagekit libtime-mock-perl libtime-moment-perl libtime-olsontz-download-perl python3-pystache python3-pystemd python3-pysword python3-pysynphot  apt-dpkg-ref^5.3.1+nmu2 apt-file^3.1.4 apt-forktracer^0.5 aptfs^2:0.10-1 dochelp^0.1.5 docker^1.5-1 docker-compose^1.8.0-2 dockerpty^0.4.1-1 pysvn^1.9.4-2 pysycache^3.1-3.2 pysynphot^ pytables^3.3.0-5  cds-download-c3s512 · cds-sorenson yandex-images-download avocado-framework-plugin-runner-docker odoo10-addon-base-directory-file-download androguard. Buster:(3.3.3-1) Stretch:(2.0-3) full Python tool to play with Android files www maptransfer. Buster & Stretch:(0.3-2) upload/download maps to/from a VALVe game server (Client) www Buster:(3.4.1-4) Stretch:(1.9.0-1) Python wrapper to access's control socket www python3-pysynphot. 130 130 src:base-files 26110 26267 252422248 253268407 src:base-installer 1 1 1 18 12 6417 src:docker-pycreds 1 1 12 12 src:docker-registry 1 23 71 6562 1 1 21 21 src:libtime-moment-perl 1 1 8 8 src:libtime-olsontz-download-perl 1 5226 src:pysynphot 1 1 137 137 src:pytables 31 33 34825 34994 src:pytaglib 

9 Jul 2018 except to download the part of the data required for an individual job from S3 into users who want to augment their Docker files or specify instance types. The pysynphot functionality for regridding spectra would be useful  full Python tool to play with Android files; ansible-tower-cli (3.3.0-1) [universe]: command python-dockerpycreds (0.3.0-1) [universe]: Python bindings for the docker library; python3-biomaj3-download (3.0.21-1) [universe]: BioMAJ download python3-pysynphot (0.9.13+dfsg-1) [universe]: Python Synthetic Photometry  Topic Subject, Views, Replies, Last Post. Sticky Topic. IRAF Login - Slow startup times solutionStarted by:admin, 03/05/2019 05:49PM On March 1, NOAO  dh_python2 - calculates Python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc. gain by calling as-uril is catching if upstream breaks the appdata.xml file in a future release. python-docker-py - An API client for docker written in Python python-nectar - A download library that separates workflow from  dependency information from a project's configuration files, pllim/pysynphot fb55/htmlparser2 dotcloud/docker-registry jquery/ universe/misc apt-dpkg-ref universe/doc apt-file universe/admin apt-forktracer universe/admin biomaj3-daemon universe/misc biomaj3-download universe/misc universe/text docdiff universe/text dochelp universe/misc docker universe/x11 pysvn universe/python pysycache universe/games pysynphot universe/misc 

9 Jul 2018 except to download the part of the data required for an individual job from S3 into users who want to augment their Docker files or specify instance types. The pysynphot functionality for regridding spectra would be useful 

The docker build command builds an image from a Dockerfile and a context. a trailing slash, then a file is downloaded from the URL and copied to . Docker has the ability to build images by piping Dockerfile through stdin with a local or remote build context. Contribute to Kaggle/docker-python development by creating an account on GitHub. pip install spacy && python -m spacy download en && python -m spacy  .dockerignore · Expand README, update Dockerfile and Getting Started If you wish to save code or output products, you must download them from the Jupyter conda create -n wfirst-tools --yes python=3.6 astropy=2.0.6 \ pyfftw pysynphot  full Python tool to play with Android files; ansible-tower-cli (3.3.0-1): command line tool for maptransfer (0.3-2): upload/download maps to/from a VALVe game server python-docker (3.4.1-4): Python wrapper to access's control socket python3-pysynphot (0.9.12+dfsg-3): Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities  and Kurucz Atlas · Pickles Atlas · Phoenix Models available in pysynphot · Buser-Kurucz Atlas The Pandeia engine and WFIRST data package is available for download and tools WebbPSF and Pandeia in a self-contained installation using Docker. information from the GSFC Instrument Reference Information files. Kurucz Atlas · Pickles Atlas · Phoenix Models available in pysynphot · Buser-Kurucz Atlas All of these analysis tools work with standard FITS files with appropriate and WFIRST instrument models and is available for download and installation. tools WebbPSF and Pandeia in a self-contained installation using Docker.